Turkish local government and the problem of scale

Ulaç, Murat


Turkish Competition Law and the Impact of the Customs Union Decision
Nurkut, İnan; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze (null, Palgrave, 2001-01-01)
Act 4054, adopted by the Turkish Parliament on 7 December 1994 (hereafter the Act) was the first legislation in Turkey aimed at promoting competition and protecting the market from anti-competitive behaviours. Its primary concern is to maintain ‘workable’ competition in the economy.1
Turkish Civil Society, the EU and Europeanness
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça (2009-04-09)
Turkish Higher Education Rationales for Internationalization
Bulut Şahin, Betül (null; 2012-09-15)
Turkish Discourse Bank: Connectives and Their Configurations
Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem (Springer, 2018-01-01)
The Turkish Discourse Bank (TDB) is a resource of approximately 400,000 words in its current release in which explicit discourse connectives and phrasal expressions are annotated along with the textual spans they relate. The corpus has been annotated by annotators using a semiautomatic annotation tool. We expect that it will enable researchers to study aspects of language beyond the sentence level. The TDB follows the Penn Discourse Tree Bank (PDTB) in adopting a connective-based annotation for discourse. T...
Turkish sociology in a sociology of knowledge perspective : the double-bind of survival/identity
Mühürdaroğlu, Anıl; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Sociology (2014)
Ottoman-Turkish modernization discourse is structured on the bases of a double-bind between survival and identity which had emerged as a result of the belief that a break had taken place in the Ottoman Empire in the unity between the methods of governing and the qualities with which Ottomans defined themselves. Debates on the disruption of this unity had been conducted in a period when linear conception of history became the predominant framework for understanding historical processes. As a result, categori...
Citation Formats
M. Ulaç, “Turkish local government and the problem of scale,” Middle East Technical University, 2002.