An approach for defensive information warfare in the Turkish land forces command

Özcan, Fuzuli
In this study,Information Warfare (IW)and Information System (IS) security concept in the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC)are investigated.An approach that will enhance the success for a secure Information System to alleviate experienced risks is proposed.Starting with the general overview of the literature about IW and IS security,the relation between the concepts,the future,advantages and disadvantages of security development approaches,and the requirements for security are reviewed. Then the specific problems,security risks and IW threats of the TLFC are considered.After reviewing the specific problems,a proposal for IS security in Defensive Information Warfare process in the TLFC is presented and partially applied.The proposal is evaluated within the framework of a case study.The stronger points of the proposal are reviewed by comparing the proposed approach with some other approaches actually applied.


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The Organization for security and co-operation in europe in the post-cold war era: an analysis of its comprehensive approach to security
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Citation Formats
F. Özcan, “An approach for defensive information warfare in the Turkish land forces command,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2002.