The Russian Federation's military policy in Central Asia: 1991-2001

Kuşçu, Işık
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Russian Federation̕s military Policy in Central Asia in 1991-2001. My main concern in this point is to figure out what is Moscow̕s real intention behind establishing military ties with the Central Asian states and to what extent is Moscow successful in accomplishing this aim? Does the Russian Federation perceive direct threats to its security from Central Asia? My argument is that the Russian Federation does not perceive direct threats to its national security from the region rather she uses these threats to be the main actor in the region by using military means. Throughout the thesis first the shift in the Russian Federation̕s foreign policy course regarding the ءNear Abroad̕ and its reflections on the basic security documents of the Russian Federation, second the threat perceptions of the Russian Federation in these regions, third reflections of this shift on Russia̕s bilateral military ties with these states and finally the role of the changing perception in the formation of regional collective security formations are to be analyzed.


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Citation Formats
I. Kuşçu, “The Russian Federation’s military policy in Central Asia: 1991-2001,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.