The Role of state controlled companies in Russian Foreign Policy : cases of Gazprom and Rosoboronexport

Tüylüoğlu, Mazhar Yasin
This study examines the role and the significance of the state controlled companies in Russian Foreign Policy. The thesis argues that Russian Foreign Policy since Putin's rise to power has not been formulated and implemented by the conventional Foreign Policy establishment but by the non conventional actors such as Gazprom and Rosoboronexport due to the increasing importance of energy and arms sales in Russian Foreign Policy.


Dynamics of the russian foreign policy between 2000-2019: nuclear energy as a foreign policy tool in the case of Turkey
Güler, Mehmet Çağatay; Köksal, Pınar; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
This thesis examines the dynamics of Russian foreign policy between 2000-2019 by specifically focusing on the civilian aspect of nuclear energy and how it shapes Russia’s relations with Turkey. It aims to clarify the role and the importance of nuclear energy as a foreign policy tool, specifically in the case of Turkey. To this end, Russian nuclear energy policy is scrutinized in detail. This thesis argues that the marketing and trading of nuclear power plants (NPPs) for civilian purposes not only provides s...
The Russian Federation's military policy in Central Asia: 1991-2001
Kuşçu, Işık; Bölükbaşıoğlu, Süha; Department of International Relations (2003)
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Russian Federation̕s military Policy in Central Asia in 1991-2001. My main concern in this point is to figure out what is Moscow̕s real intention behind establishing military ties with the Central Asian states and to what extent is Moscow successful in accomplishing this aim? Does the Russian Federation perceive direct threats to its security from Central Asia? My argument is that the Russian Federation does not perceive direct threats to its national secur...
The NATO-Russia Council and changes in Russia’s policy towards NATO
Toktogulov, Beishenbek; Tanrısever, Oktay Fırat; Department of International Relations (2015)
The objective of this thesis is to explain the changes in Russia’s policy towards NATO after the creation of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) in 2002. It argues that contrary to the liberal view which assumes that the NRC presents an example of international cooperation through institutions, the NRC has been functioning in accordance with power politics or concerns of Russia and the security priorities of NATO. Russian military action in Georgia and its military intervention in Ukraine followed by its annexati...
Internal and external dimensions of Russian energy policy between 2000-2012
Yıldırım, Tankut; Tanrısever, Oktay F; Department of Eurasian Studies (2012)
This thesis aims to examine internal and external parameters influencing Russian energy policy between 2000 and 2012. In this respect first energy policy of the Soviet Union and Russian Federation in 1990’s are evaluated. In this framework it is assumed that old experiences and structures have influence on 2000’s Russian Energy Policy. Russian energy profile is accepted not only a strength of Russia but also a source of limitation in Russian energy policy, it influences domestic and foreign energy policies ...
The Crimean autonomous region and Ukraine's relations with Russia in the Post-Soviet era
Umerov, Eldar; Tanrısever, Oktay Fırat; Department of International Relations (2013)
This thesis explores the autonomy of the Crimean region in Ukraine in terms of its impact on Ukraine’s relations with Russia in the post-Soviet era. Thesis analyzes also the impact of the relations between Ukraine and Russia on the autonomy of the Crimean region. Contrary to the views that consider the Crimean autonomy as a product of the ethno-territorial relations between the Crimea which is populated by mainly ethnic Russians and Kiev, thesis argues that the interstate relations between Ukraine and Russi...
Citation Formats
M. Y. Tüylüoğlu, “The Role of state controlled companies in Russian Foreign Policy : cases of Gazprom and Rosoboronexport,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.