
Europe's Global Role: External Policies of the European Union
Kahraman, Sevilay (Wiley, 2010-01-01)
Contentious issues of security and the future of Turkey
Kahraman, Sevilay (Wiley, 2008-09-01)
Interim efficient auctions with interdependent valuations
Küçükşenel, Serkan (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2012-05-01)
We provide a characterization of interim efficient auctions and examine their properties in the presence of informational interdependent valuations. We show that buyers can be awarded the auctioned item less often than the efficient level. We also show that buyers obtain the item more often as the degree of heterogeneity in preferences increases, even though profitability of trade does not depend on the heterogeneity in preferences.
On Multinational Corporations and the Provision of Positive Rights
Parkan, Barış (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2009-01-01)
Increased and active involvement of multinational corporations in the promotion of social welfare, in developing Countries in particular, through the facilitation of partnerships and cooperation with public and nonprofit sectors, challenges the existing framework of our social and political institutions, the boundaries of nation-states, the distinction between the private and public spheres of our lives, and thus Our freedom. The blurring of certain distinctions, which ought to be observed between the polit...
CARLSSON, B; Taymaz, Erol (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1994-06-01)
This paper analyzes the development over the postwar period of output, employment, and the number of plants in manufacturing in the United States. It is shown that the distribution of flexible technology in the form of machine tools (NCMTs) shifted markedly toward small plants during the 1980s. It is found that the probability of adoption and the penetration rate of NCMTs are higher in large than in small plants, even though the number of NCMTs per worker is much higher in small plants. This apparent parado...