The relationship between the mass media and the state on terrorism: A case study of terrorist attack to the world trade centre.

Aytaç, Önder


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Hunler, OS; Gençöz, Tülin (2005-03-01)
This study was focused on revealing the effects of religiousness on marital satisfaction, and also to test the mediator role of perceived marital problem solving between religiousness and marital satisfaction relationship in a Turkish sample. Subjects were 92 married couples, or a total of 184 participants. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that after controlling for the variance accounted for by the control variables, namely duration of marriage, marital style, educational level, hopelessness, and...
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Koç, Şevket Alper; Koç, Çağatay (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2018-8)
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An analysis of Turkish Daily Press: event selection, text construction and news production.
İnal, M Ayşe; Kaya, Ahmet Raşit; Department of Public Administration (1992-09)
Citation Formats
Ö. Aytaç, “The relationship between the mass media and the state on terrorism: A case study of terrorist attack to the world trade centre.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2002.