Moleculer genetics of cryI- and cryII- crystal protein synthesis in bacillus thuringiensis 81 and cloning of cryIA(C) gene in E.coli.

Afkhami, Pervaneh


Pectinase production using apple pomace as carbon source by mixed culture fermentation
Kuvvet, Ceren; Çekmecelioğlu, Deniz; Department of Biotechnology (2016)
There is a growing interest in enzyme production from food and agricultural wastes to reduce the cost of production. Pectinases are one of the important group of enzymes used in fruit processing, alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea fermentation and textile industries. Pectinases can be produced by both solid state and submerged fermentation from various plant and microorganisms; however fungal microorganisms are the largest sources of bulk commercial enzymes and there are numerous studies on pectinase produ...
Multiobjective design optimization of rockets and missiles
Öztürk, Mustafa Yavuz; Tekinalp, Ozan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2009)
Multidisciplinary design optimization of aerospace vehicles has attracted interest of many researchers. Well known aerospace companies are developing tools for the mutlidisciplinary design optimization. However, the multiobjective optimization of the design is a new and important area investigated very little by the researchers. This thesis will examine the approaches to the multiobjective and mutlidisciplinary design optimization of rockets and missiles. In the study, multiobjective optimization method cal...
Proteome-wide analysis of the role of expression of bacilysin operon on idiophase physiology of B. Subtilis
Demir, Mustafa; Özcengiz, Gülay; Department of Biology (2013)
The members of the genus Bacillus produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites with antimetabolic and pharmacological activities. These metabolites are mostly small peptides and have unusual components and chemical bonds. These metabolites are synthesized nonribosomally by multifunctional enzyme complexes called peptide synthetases. One of those small peptides, bacilysin, is a dipeptide antibiotic composed of L-alanine and L-anticapsin which is produced and excreted by certain strains of Bacillus subtili...
Examination of Personality Characteristics in a Turkish Sample: Development of Basic Personality Traits Inventory
Gençöz, Tülin (2012-01-01)
The aim of the present study was to test the cross-cultural validity of the five-factor nature of personality. For this aim, an indigenous, psychometrically strong instrument measuring the basic personality dimensions within Turkish culture and language was developed through three consecutive studies. The first study aimed to reveal the adjectives that have been most frequently used to define people in the Turkish culture. In the second study, factor analysis of these personality characteristics revealed bi...
Nesne İlişkileri Kuramı Çerçevesinden Sınır (Borderline) Kişilik Örüntüsüne Bakış: Vaka Örneği ile Temel Savunma Mekanizmalarının Yorumlanması
Akyüz Yılmaz, Cansu (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2018-10-22)
Nesne ilişkileri kuramı, erken dönem çocukluk yaşantılarında deneyimlenen ikili ilişkilerin içselleştirilmiş nesnelerle olan bağını incelemektedir. Otto Kernberg, nesne ilişkileri kuramcılarındandır ve sınır hastalarla alakalı pek çok çalışma yapmıştır. Özellikle sınır kişilik örüntüsünün yapısı ve terapi süreci hakkında yaptığı çalışmalarla dikkat çekmiştir. Sınır hastaların kendilik ve nesne tasarımlarının libidinal ve oral agresif kaynaklardan beslendiğini ve bütünleştirilemediğini belirtmiştir. Sın...
Citation Formats
P. Afkhami, “Moleculer genetics of cryI- and cryII- crystal protein synthesis in bacillus thuringiensis 81 and cloning of cryIA(C) gene in E.coli.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1997.