Parameter optimization of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete by statistical design and analysis of experiments

Ayan, Elif
This thesis illustrates parameter optimization of compressive strength, flexural strength and impact resistance of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete (SFRHSC) by statistical design and analysis of experiments. Among several factors affecting the compressive strength, flexural strength and impact resistance of SFRHSC, five parameters that maximize all of the responses have been chosen as the most important ones as age of testing, binder type, binder amount, curing type and steel fiber volume fraction. Taguchi and regression analysis techniques have been used to evaluate L27(313) Taguchi?s orthogonal array and 3421 full factorial experimental design results. Signal to noise ratio transformation and ANOVA have been applied to the results of experiments in Taguchi analysis. Response surface methodology has been employed to optimize the best regression model selected for all the three responses. In this study Charpy Impact Test, which is a different kind of impact test, have been applied to SFRHSC for the first time. The mean of compressive strength, flexural strength and impact resistance have been observed as around 125 MPa, 14.5 MPa and 9.5 kgf.m respectively which are very close to the desired values. Moreover, this study is unique in the sense that the derived models enable the identification of underlying primary factors and their interactions that influence the modeled responses of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete.


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Citation Formats
E. Ayan, “Parameter optimization of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete by statistical design and analysis of experiments,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.