Joint shear strength prediction for reinforced concrete beam-to-column connections

Unal, Mehmet
Burak Bakır, Burcu
In this analytical study numerous prior experimental studies on reinforced concrete beam-to-column connections subjected to cyclic loading are investigated and a database of geometric properties, material strengths, configuration details and test results of subassemblies is established. Considering previous experimental research and employing statistical correlation method, parameters affecting joint shear capacity are determined. Afterwards, an equation to predict the joint shear strength is formed based on the most influential parameters. The developed equation includes parameters that take into account the effect of eccentricity, column axial load, wide beams and transverse beams on the seismic behavior of the beam-to-column connections, besides the key parameters such as concrete compressive strength, reinforcement yield strength, effective joint width and joint transverse reinforcement ratio.


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Citation Formats
M. Unal and B. Burak Bakır, “Joint shear strength prediction for reinforced concrete beam-to-column connections,” STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, pp. 421–440, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: