Texture classification and retrieval using random neural network model

Teke, Alper
Texture is one of the most important characteristics used in computer vision and image processing applications. In this thesis, a new texture classification and retrieval method is proposed for texture analysis applications. The technique makes use of the random neural network model and it is supervised. The main aim is to represent textures with parameters which are the random neural network weights and classify and retrieve textures using this texture definition. The network has neurons that correspond to each image pixel, and the neurons are connected according to neighboring relationship between pixels. The method is tested on artificial images produced by using Brodatz album and texture blocks cut from remotely sensed imagery.


Visual object detection and tracking using local convolutional context features and recurrent neural networks
Kaya, Emre Can; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2018)
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Uncu, O; Turksen, IB (2004-06-30)
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Citation Formats
A. Teke, “Texture classification and retrieval using random neural network model,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.