Freedom and Solidarity Party and its politics : an attempt to redefine the Turkish left

Evcimen, Oltan
This thesis interprets the unification process that the Turkish left undertook during the 1990s as a redefinition and re-identification of leftist values according to the recent changes in the economic and political areas in the world. This redefinition process will be investigated by looking at the ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party) case, the main task of which was defined by the founders as the unification of various leftist movements as well as the representation of the new social movements. For this purpose, different theoretical perspectives concerning the new social movements will be read by means of observation of their position in the ÖDP. It will be investigated, to what degree the ÖDP was successful in unifying and including the new social movements. In that sense, this work will emphasize the role of the ÖDP in the history of the Turkish leftist movement.


Everyday Nationalism in Turkey: Construction of Turkishness in Nevşehir
Ravanoğlu Yılmaz, Sezen; Çırakman Deveci, Aslı; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2022-9-28)
This thesis aims to understand in a period in which Islamist and ethnic nationalism become a dominant paradigm in Turkish politics, in a small- sized nationalist and conservative central Anatolian city, Nevşehir. Right-wing political parties representing political Islam and ethnic nationalism have historically always been strong in Nevşehir. This thesis aims to reveal how Turkishness is discursively constructed and reproduced by everyday actors from different political positions in Nevşehir. For this purpos...
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Turkey and Turkish/Muslim minorities in Greece and Bulgaria (1923-1938)
Emen, Gözde; Boyar, Ebru; Department of International Relations (2011)
This thesis examined how Turkish perception of insecurity, which was based on its suspicions about Greek and Bulgarian intentions and politics towards its territorial integrity and stability of its regime, shaped its view of Turkish/Muslim minorities living in these two states in the early Republican period. Using a wealth of archival material and newspapers, it questioned to what extent these physical and ideological concerns of the Turkish Republic played a role in its approach to these minorities in the ...
Democracy and Opposition in Turkey : Locating The Freedom Party
Özçetin, Burak; Acar, Feride; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2004)
The main objective of this thesis is to examine the specific place of the Freedom Party (Hürriyet Partisi) in Turkish political history. Founded by a group of Democratic Party (Demokrat Parti) members who were expelled from the party in December 1956, the Freedom Party (1956-1958) is crucial for a proper understanding of evolution of the idea and practice of democracy in Turkey. Although mostly neglected by students of Turkish politics and labeled as an insignificant political party, this thesis argues that...
Secession and fragmentation in tevhidi islamic communities: believing subject vs. believing community
Çapık, Kenan; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2014)
This thesis aims to descriptively analyze islamist communities/NGO’s in Ankara with respect to how they construct their religious identity and we-and-others dichotomy and to understand the theoretical and practical reasons of secession and fragmentation among islamist groups and NGO’s which have been widespread since the blossoming of Islamism in Turkey. On the background I will be questioning whether Islamism intrinsically carries an exclusionist and dichotomist discourse. The study also aims to shed light...
Citation Formats
O. Evcimen, “Freedom and Solidarity Party and its politics : an attempt to redefine the Turkish left,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.