Secession and fragmentation in tevhidi islamic communities: believing subject vs. believing community

Çapık, Kenan
This thesis aims to descriptively analyze islamist communities/NGO’s in Ankara with respect to how they construct their religious identity and we-and-others dichotomy and to understand the theoretical and practical reasons of secession and fragmentation among islamist groups and NGO’s which have been widespread since the blossoming of Islamism in Turkey. On the background I will be questioning whether Islamism intrinsically carries an exclusionist and dichotomist discourse. The study also aims to shed light on anticipating the trajectory of the Islamist movements on the creation of a pluralistic, dialogic and deliberative society. Research findings show that although Islamism historically and currently hindered/hinders dialogue and deliberation; an important ideational change with respect to the ideal of Islamic society, democracy, and communication with “others” could be seen among contemporary islamists. It is observed that If Islam will be the case, contrary to, traditional or tariqa based groups, Islamist thought possesses a promising potential for a future pluralistic society and politics. The emergence of a significant theoretical literature on new forms of community in the late modern societies, the increasing critical approaches and theoretical expansions mostly called as third wave Islamism or post Islamism, and the increasing emphasis on primary relations grounded on morality/ethics, friendship and brotherhood contributed to rethink on new ways of coexistence, and opened new horizons for the discussions on Islamic politics.


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Citation Formats
K. Çapık, “Secession and fragmentation in tevhidi islamic communities: believing subject vs. believing community,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.