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Dewatering Plan and Prediction for Pit Lake Flooding for a Quarry Site
Duru, Uygar
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This study presents the dewatering assessment of a marl quarry with the future pit lake level predictions. The objectives of the study were; (1) to determine the dewatering requirements that would allow for the continuation of the quarrying operations in the deeper parts of the quarry, (2) to design an optimum dewatering system compatible with the site hydrogeological conditions and quarrying plans, (3) to assess the environmental impacts of dewatering on the local water (surface and ground water) resources and users, and (4) to predict the future pit lake level and flooding period for different meteorological conditions. To these ends, previous investigation reports and maps have been compiled and reviewed and field investigations have been conducted. During the field investigations pumping and observation wells were drilled and installed. After installation, in situ tests were conducted to determine aquifer parameters. It was found that properties of the material is conducive to the dewatering activities that will be necessary for the deepening of the open pit of the marl quarry. A groundwater model was developed based on the field data gathered. According to this model dewatering trenches will be needed to dewater the pit. The model predicted that operating these dewatering trenches would create an elongated cone of depression that will sufficiently lower the groundwater table so that quarrying operations can proceed. Lowering of the water table may produce a negative impact on groundwater resources within the aerial extent of the cone of depression. This potentially negative impact was investigated with model simulations and has been found that the impact to the resources would be negligible. Three scenarios were evaluated as possible dewatering discharge disposal solutions. The preferred scenario included the discharge of this water to the stream, which is
Subject Keywords
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
U. Duru, “Dewatering Plan and Prediction for Pit Lake Flooding for a Quarry Site,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.