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The effects of textbook style and reading strategy on students' achievement and attitudes towards heat and temperature
Akyüz, Volkan
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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of textbook style and reading strategy on 9th grade students̕ achievement and attitude towards heat and temperature at Eregli district of Zonguldak. Textbook style was means that whether textbook written in conceptual style or traditional style. The reading strategy was taken as K-W-L vs. reading without K-W-L. The study uses factorial design to investigate partial and combined effects of these methodologies. In the study convenience sampling was used. The participants were 123 9th grade students at Zonguldak Eregli Super High School in four different classes. Then selected classes were randomly assigned into four groups. The groups were conceptual physics text with K-W-L reading strategy, conceptual physics text with reading without K-W-L, traditional physics text with K-W-L reading strategy and traditional physics text with reading without K-W-L. Achievement and attitude tests were administered before and after the treatment. The data was analyzed by Multiple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) to find out individual and combined effects of conceptual physics texts and K-W-L reading strategy. The results has shown that conceptual physics texts were effective in increasing students̕ attitude, K-W-L was effective in increasing achievement, and their combination was effective in increasing both achievement and attitude of the students.
Subject Keywords
Education, Secondary.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
V. Akyüz, “The effects of textbook style and reading strategy on students’ achievement and attitudes towards heat and temperature,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.