Coastal scenic evaluation, a pilot study for Çıralı

Gezer, Evrim
It is well known that, socioeconomic development in coastal regions is in many respects are more rapid than elsewhere. The rapid development has been the outcome of recognition of these regions as a means providing ideal conditions for relatively cheap transport, food and mineral resource, petroleum, natural gas, agricultural and industrial development, housing and recreation, etc. Therefore, coastal areas are under threat due to forcing function of human activities. A novel technique addressed scenic evaluation through application of fuzzy logic methodologies to values obtained from checklist that itemized 26 human and physical parameters rated on five-point attribute scale. The methodology enabled calculation of an Evaluation Index (D) which categorizes all sites and statistically best described attribute values in terms of weighted areas. The methodology developed for coastal scenic evaluation using Fuzzy Logic Approach (FLA) is a very useful tool in making future management plans for coastal areas by simulating different human usages. With regard to coastal zone management this technique is suitable for evaluating future potential changes especially with regard to influence of coastal structures on the coastal scenery. This work will hopefully be utilized by coastal mangers, planners, academics, governmental agencies, as to improve the especially human usage of the coastal areas also this work will be a tool for the preservation and conservation and the sustainable development of the coastal areas. For the pilot site, Çirali, D values are calculated and corresponding classes are found for different attributes of parameters rising from the human usage.


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Citation Formats
E. Gezer, “Coastal scenic evaluation, a pilot study for Çıralı,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.