Experimental investigation for mechanical properties of filament wound composite tubes

Erdiller, Emrah Salim


Pulsed optically stimulated luminescence from α-Al2O3:C using green light emitting diodes
Bulur, Enver (1997-01-01)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) from alpha-Al2O3:C was investigated using green light emitting diodes (LED) for excitation. Time resolved luminescence characteristics of the samples were studied by pulsing the LEDs during the readout. The effects of excitation light intensity, pulse width and readout temperature on the OSL signal were investigated. The radiation dose response of the dosimeters with above mentioned parameters was also evaluated for the applicability to radiation dosimetry.
Advances in luminescence instrument systems
Bøtter-Jensen, L.; Bulur, Enver; Duller, G.A.T.; Murray, A.S. (2000-12-15)
We report on recent advances in the development of luminescence measurement systems and techniques at Riso. These include: (1) optical stimulation units based on new-generation powerful blue light (470 nm) emitting diodes providing up to 28 mW/cm(2) for OSL measurements; (2) an infrared (830 nm) laser diode unit providing up to 400 mW/cm(2) for stimulation of feldspars; and finally (3) an optical stimulation attachment based on a focused solid stale green (532 nm) laser for rapid OSL measurements of individ...
Hydroelectric power potential and its use in Turkey
Taşdemiroğlu, Erol (Elsevier BV, 1988-7)
Hydroelectric development in Turkey is briefly reviewed. The results of estimates of gross and economically exploitable hydroelectric power potentials are compared. Dam sites and their order for construction are identified. Present and future developments in the power sector are analyzed and projections are given for electricity consumption and production to the year 2010. Hydraulic, thermal and nuclear contributions to total electricity generation are discussed. Finally, problems associated with hydroelect...
Theoretical study of solar ponds for space heating in diverse climatic conditions of Turkey
Taşdemiroğlu, Erol (Elsevier BV, 1988-11)
The thermal performance of a solar pond operating under steady-state conditions is analysed theoretically for use in space heating in four diverse Turkish locations having widely different climates. The average pond temperature for each month is obtained for maximum heat extraction, with the thickness of the pond-insulating layers as a fixed parameter. For a fixed pond-insulating layer, the useful heat withdrawn during the month is calculated for these four locations. Space-heating loads and the solar heati...
Investigation of Wind Effects on Tall Buildings through Wind Tunnel Testing
Kurç, Özgür; Shojaee, S. M. Nima; Uzol, Oğuz (2012-10-01)
There has been significant increase in tall building construction in Turkey in the last decade. As the height of building increase, wind effects become more pronounced. Wind can interact with flexible buildings and can significantly magnify the wind loads and wind induced oscillations. Wind tunnel tests have been widely utilized for estimating the wind effects on buildings. In order to perform a successful test, however, flow conditions inside the tunnel must represent the actual conditions rather closely. ...
Citation Formats
E. S. Erdiller, “Experimental investigation for mechanical properties of filament wound composite tubes,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.