Socialism and feminism : an analysis of Turkish radical socialist articles (1987-1994)

Kayalıgil, Münir Cem
In this study, radical socialist articles written on feminism, the feminist movement and the woman question published between 1987 and 1994 in Turkey are examined. The study attempts at describing, classifying and analyzing the Turkish socialist discourse manifested in response to the emergence of feminism in Turkey. It is argued that the Turkish socialists̕ approaches to feminism and the feminists do not differ much, nor a change in their approaches with time can be observed. It is also argued that the theoretical content of the radical socialist articles is usually futile and far from being comprehensive.


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Citation Formats
M. C. Kayalıgil, “Socialism and feminism : an analysis of Turkish radical socialist articles (1987-1994),” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2005.