Mineralogical and geochemical comparison of skarns in the Akdağmadeni, Akçakışla and Keskin districts, central Anatolia, Turkey

Kuşçu, İlkay


Shape analysis using contour-based and region-based approaches
Çiftçi, Günce; Erkmen, İsmet; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2003)
The user of an image database often wishes to retrieve all images similar to the one (s)he already has. In this thesis, shape analysis methods for retrieving shape are investigated. Shape analysis methods can be classified in two groups as contour-based and region-based according to the shape information used. In such a classification, curvature scale space (CSS) representation and angular radial transform (ART) are promising methods for shape similarity retrieval respectively. The CSS representation operat...
Nehir santralları çıkış ağızlarındaki kumlanma
Orhun, Akın(1967)
Zemin ankrajları ve ankrajlı kazı duvarlarının davranışı
Erdemgil, Mete(1979)
An inquiry concerning the place of emotions in virtue ethics (a comparison between Aristotle and Kant
Yazıcı, Aslı; İnam, Ahmet; Department of Philosophy (2005)
This dissertation examines the claim that, unlike utilitarianism and deontology, virtue ethics ascribes a positive role to emotions in moral evaluation by taking them as the constituents of moral goodness and moral value. I wish to identify the limit and scope of this claim and to show what kind of emotion theory is suitable for explaining the essential features of virtue ethics. To do so, I defend some kind of cognitivism, the cognitive-affective theory of emotion, as the most suitable theory for virtue et...
Investigation of the recharge and discharge mechanisms of a complex aquifer system by using environmental isotopes and noble gases
Arslan, Şebnem; Yazıcıgil, Hasan; Department of Geological Engineering (2008)
This study aims to determine the recharge, discharge and the mixing mechanisms of a complex aquifer system located above the Kazan trona ore field using the environmental isotopes of deuterium, oxygen-18, carbon-13 and carbon-14, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC- 11, CFC-12 and CFC-113) and the noble gas isotopes (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe). The groundwater system consists of three different aquifers: shallow, middle and deep. The Akpınar formation lying between deep and middle systems acts as an aquitard. Oxygen-18 an...
Citation Formats
İ. Kuşçu, “Mineralogical and geochemical comparison of skarns in the Akdağmadeni, Akçakışla and Keskin districts, central Anatolia, Turkey,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1997.