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Development of a new method for mode I fracture toughness test on disc type rock specimens
Alkılıçgil, Çiğdem
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A new testing method was introduced and developed to determine Mode I fracture toughness of disc type rock specimens. The new method was named as Straight Notched Disc Bending and it uses disc specimens under three-point bending. 3D Numerical modeling was carried out with a finite element program ABAQUS to find stress intensity factors for both well-known Semi-circular Bending specimen models and Straight Notched Disc Bending specimen models for varying disc geometries. Both specimen types included notches where a crack front is introduced at the tip of the notch to compute the stress intensity factors. For stress intensity analysis, crack front-upper loading point distance and span length between the two roller supports at the bottom boundary of the specimens were changed. Fracture toughness testing was carried on Ankara Gölbaşı pink colored andesite for both specimen types; crack front-upper loading point distance and span length between the two roller supports at the bottom boundary of the specimens were changed during the tests. For both specimen geometries, notch lengths changing from 5 mm to 20 mm were used. For each notch length, two different roller supports with span lengths 60 mm and 70 mm were used. For both methods, fracture toughness values determined by using numerically computed stress intensity factors and failure loads obtained from the experiments were very close; the new method was verified by comparing the results. The new method had advantages of lower confining pressure at the crack front and lower stress intensities with a possible smaller crack tip plasticity region.
Subject Keywords
Mining Engineering.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Ç. Alkılıçgil, “Development of a new method for mode I fracture toughness test on disc type rock specimens,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.