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Pre-service science and mathematics teachers' computer related self-efficacy, attitudes, and the relationship among these variables
Pamuk, Savaş
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The purpose of this study was (1) to explore pre-service science and mathematics teachers’ levels of computer self-efficacy and attitude towards computers, (2) to investigate the effects of gender, grade level, major of study, and computer ownership of pre-service science and mathematics teachers on computer self-efficacy and attitudes towards computers, and (3) to examine the relationship between computer self-efficacy and attitudes towards. For this study 650 students from two departments, which were Elementary Science Education and Elementary Mathematics Education, of three public universities in Ankara participated. Also, students were enrolled in first and fourth grades. The scales were administrated during 2006 Fall semester. Computer Self-efficacy Scale and Computer Attitude Scale which had four sub-scales, namely anxiety confidence, liking, and usefulness were used to determine pre-service teachers’ computer self-efficacy and attitudes towards computer levels. Moreover, the v questionnaire had some questions that asked demographic characteristics of participants. The results indicated that pre-service Science and Mathematics teachers had high computer self-efficacy and attitude levels. Furthermore, participants’ gender was not a significant factor on their computer self-efficacy and computer attitude except for liking sub-scale. Males liked more computer than females. Major of participants did not have any effect on computer self-efficacy and computer attitude. Grade level was an important factor for computer self-efficacy and attitude; fourth graders had higher scores on both scales. Computer owner participants had significantly higher scores of computer self-efficacy and attitudes towards computers. Finally, results showed that participants’ computer self-efficacy scores were related to sub-scale scores of computer attitude scale.
Subject Keywords
Education and Training of Teachers.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
S. Pamuk, “Pre-service science and mathematics teachers’ computer related self-efficacy, attitudes, and the relationship among these variables,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2007.