Pricing to market : an evaluation for Turkey

Yönder, Erkan
This thesis investigates pricing to market behavior in the exports of Turkey, which is a small economy. The investigated sectors are hazelnut, dried grape, dried apricot, dried fig and feldspar. The sectors are selected because Turkey is the leading producer and exporter for these products in the world. We apply pricing to market model for the exports from Turkey to each of the largest importer countries and the world in total for each product to check whether there is monopolistic behavior in the markets. We also check whether there is complete local currency price stability in the investigated markets. The relationship between the import shares of destination markets in the Turkey’s exports and the estimated pricing to market elasticities are compared as well. In general, we find that there is pricing to market in the exports of Turkey for the investigated sectors.


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Citation Formats
E. Yönder, “Pricing to market : an evaluation for Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2007.