Eugenics in Turkey during the 1930's

Aybers, Orhan
With the progress of evaluation theories, it has been believed thar Homo sapiens of various originations differed numerously. This idea apparently was a stroke for the assertion defending brotherhood in monotheist societies. Coincidentally the publishing of Darwin's work was a triggering factor of the hypothesis and whether it would have been applicable for human beingsfor the purpose of creating unadulterated race. Industrialised capitalist societies were in need of a new ideological justification; scientific knowledge presented it. Natural sciences were used to model the society. Social Darwinists utilised certain tasks to promote the objective, commencing late 19th century. Eugenics may be encountered as an example. From these efforts, racism grew. The thesis herewith analyses the measures that were imposed in early Republic during the 1930's. Though not precise, we observe worthj quoting similarities with measures adopted in European societies. Conformations of certain governmental apparatuses were the major issue that was studied in detail. Propositions and legislative paces put forward to ascend, as relevant acts through a young National Assembly comprised our choice of interest. Evidently administration's tendency and efforts to renovate the country as a modern capitalist industrialised society demolished the doctrine of creating socially and physically purified members; since ideologies competed in impromptu. Though that was the case referred as above, it tended to diminish in the short run. Due to immense tiresome alterations to be held, the case had to quit.


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Türkiye'de 2000'li yıllarda mesleğe katılan endüstriyel tasarımcıların serbest çalışma koşulları ve deneyimleri
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Citation Formats
O. Aybers, “Eugenics in Turkey during the 1930’s ,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2003.