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A study on conceptual modeling in simulation systems : an extended methodology for KAMA
Aysolmaz Bozlu, Banu E
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Conceptual modeling is considered to be essential in simulation development activities. However, there are only a few research studies on how to develop conceptual models. One of the important and comprehensive approaches is the methodology developed under the leadership of METU Modeling and Simulation Center (MODSIMMER) for Turkish Armed Forces. The project suggests a methodology to develop mission space conceptual models (GUKAM), and provides a Conceptual Model Development Tool for C4ISR M&S activities, which is named as KAMA-C4ISRMOS. KAMA methodology is developed to utilize conceptual models in requirements collection and analysis activities. Two improvement opportunities observed in KAMA approach are that, there are no methodologies defined to develop simulation space conceptual models; and although most approaches emphasize the importance of conceptual model to be used in design activities, no explanations are provided on how to do it. This thesis aims to suggest an extended KAMA methodology that, besides original KAMA properties, provides a method to develop simulation space conceptual model, and provides a guide to use conceptual model to develop design. To evaluate the suggested methodology, a case study is conducted on a synthetic environment project. In this way, implementation of the methodology on another simulation domain is depicted. Developed mission space and simulation space conceptual models and design artifacts are evaluated, and the effects of conceptual models on simulation development life cycle are discussed.
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Computer Software.
Graduate School of Informatics, Thesis
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Citation Formats
B. E. Aysolmaz Bozlu, “ A study on conceptual modeling in simulation systems : an extended methodology for KAMA,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2007.