Hiring the best for the organization through interviewing: A case of three companies

Ergün (Akçael), Ayşe Merve


Developing prospective teachers’ covariational reasoning through a model development sequence
Kertil, Mahmut; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Çetinkaya, Bülent (Informa UK Limited, 2019-2-8)
Forming part of a wider research study, the current study investigated prospective middle school mathematics teachers' ways of covariational reasoning on tasks involving simultaneously changing quantities. As the introductory theme of a larger unit on derivative, a model development sequence on covariational reasoning was designed and experimented with 20 participants in a mathematical modeling course offered to prospective teachers. The participants' developing abilities of covariational reasoning were doc...
Preparing teacher candidates as passive technicians, reflective practitioners or transformative intellectuals?
Tezgiden Cakcak, S. Yasemin; Enginarlar, Hüsnü; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel; Department of English Language Teaching (2015)
This dissertation study explores teacher roles a pre-service foreign language teacher education program at a public university in central Turkey prepares teacher candidates for using document reviews, in-depth interviews and classroom observations. Designed as a qualitative case study, this study also seeks to unearth the political-economical, sociocultural and institutional reasons behind the adoption of certain teacher roles: teachers as passive technicians, teachers as reflective practitioners and teache...
Creating collaborative groups in a MOOC: a homogeneous engagement grouping approach
Sanz-Martinez, Luisa; Er, Erkan; Martinez-Mones, Alejandra; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Bote-Lorenzo, Miguel L. (2019-11-01)
Collaborative learning can improve the pedagogical effectiveness of MOOCs. Group formation, an essential step in the design of collaborative learning activities, can be challenging in MOOCs given the scale and the wide variety in such contexts. We discuss the need for considering the behaviours of the students in the course to form groups in MOOC contexts, and propose a grouping approach that employs homogeneity in terms of students? engagement in the course. Two grouping strategies with different degrees o...
Developing reflective teachers : a study on perception and improvement of reflection in pre-service teacher education ping program and testing its effectiveness
Erginel, Senem Şanal; Yıldırım, Ali; Department of Educational Sciences (2006)
This study is a detailed examination of reflection in pre-service teacher education. It focuses on the process of the promotion of reflective teacher education. Within this process, it considers pre-service teachers' perceptions on becoming reflective and their focus of attention throughout their practicum. In relation to these, it analyzes pre-service teachers' improvement in reflection by focusing on various methods of promotion for reflectivity.
Training the saviours: Educational transformation and elitism in the Ottoman Empire 1876-1918
Yalçınkaya, Alper; Saktanber, Ayşe; Department of Sociology (1999)
Citation Formats
A. M. Ergün (Akçael), “Hiring the best for the organization through interviewing: A case of three companies,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.