A Study of curriculum development for the front office on-the-job training of ministry of tourism

Odabaşı, Şeyda


A needs analysis study for the English-Turkish translation course offered to management students of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at Başkent University
Mutlu, Özlem; Şimşek, Hasan; Department of Educational Sciences (2004)
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the needs of the third year Management students of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at Baskent University with regard to the English-Turkish Translation Course through the perceptions of the students; course instructors including the course designer; graduates who took the course; subject-area instructors of the Department of Management; and the professionals practicing in different fields of management and business administration. Bas...
An investigation of the effectiveness of the theme-based curriculum in the 2003-2004 academic year at the department of basic English at Middle East Technical University
Topçu, Tansu; Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Department of English Language Teaching (2005)
This study examines the implementation of the theme-based curriculum in the 2003-2004 academic year to meet the goals and objectives of DBE students at METU. The research design of the study includes questionnaires and focus group interviews with former DBE students and DBE teachers. At the first stage, 231 students and 60 teachers took the questionnaire. Then, 19 students (in groups) and teachers (individually) were interviewed. The results indicated that there was a big difference between the perceptions ...
A survey of teachers’ implementations of new elementary school mathematics curriculum in sixth grade
Ulubay, Mutlu; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2007)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation process of the present and newly introduced instructional techniques in new elementary school mathematics curriculum in sixth grade through the reports of teachers, which has been piloted in some specific schools. Moreover, it was aimed to find out the effects of several parameters on implementation, like city where school teachers are working is located, teachers’ gender, teaching experience and number of students in the classroom. In addition...
An examination of the relationship between content familiar texts derived from readers' interest and reading performance of English language learners at University level
Öztürk, Nesrin; Aksu, Meral; Department of Educational Sciences (2010)
This study aimed to examine the relationship of background knowledge in relation to topic interest and reading performance of English language learners at TOBB University of Economics and Technology. For that, a reading interest questionnaire and three reading comprehension tests, which were accompanied with a 2-item background & interest questionnaire, were developed by the researcher. These instruments were implemented on 75 English language learners studying at TOBB ETU Preparatory School. The results ob...
Turkmen, C.; Teksöz, Gaye; Boz, Yezdan (2017-01-01)
Sustainable development (SD) has been one of the overarching objectives of the United Nations. Member countries and stakeholders are reorienting education at all levels of the system to overcome the environmental, social and economic challenges that the world faces, and to achieve a sustainable future. There has been a strong increase in the integration of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into secondary education; however, research is needed to assess the relevance of the curriculum to meet the e...
Citation Formats
Ş. Odabaşı, “A Study of curriculum development for the front office on-the-job training of ministry of tourism,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1998.