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A comperative assessment of available methods for seismic performance evaluation of buried structures
Özcebe, Ali Güney
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In the last three decades, seismic performance assessment of buried structures has evolved through the following stages : i) buried structures are not prone to seismically-induced damages, thus no need for detailed investigations, ii) eliminating soil-structure-earthquake interaction and use of seismically-induced free field ground deformations directly as the basis for seismic demand, thus producing conservative results, and finally iii) soil-structure and earthquake interaction models incorporating both kinematic and inertial interactions. As part of soil-structure and earthquake interacting models, simplified frame analysis established the state of practice and is widely used. Within the confines of this thesis, the results of simplified frame analysis based response of buried structures are compared with those of 2-D finite element dynamic analyses. For the purpose, 1-D dynamic and 2-D pseudo-dynamic analyses of free field and buried structural systems are performed for a number of generic soil, structure and earthquake combinations. The analyses results revealed that, in general, available closed form solutions are in pretty good agreement with the results of finite element analyses. However, due to the fact that dynamic analyses can model both kinematic and inertial effects; it should be preffered for the design of critical structures.
Subject Keywords
Civil engineering.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. G. Özcebe, “A comperative assessment of available methods for seismic performance evaluation of buried structures,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2009.