Scientific realism debate in the philosophy of science

Özer, Hüsnü
The primary concern of this piece of work is to reconsider scientific realism debate in the philosophy of science. Accordingly, the overall aim is to come up with the clues of a viable scientific realist attitude in the face of anti-realist interpretations of scientific theories. To accomplish this aim, I make use of two modified versions of scientific realism, that is, ‘epistemic structural realism’ and ‘entity realism’. Epistemic structural realism is a realist position of which proponents claim that the only knowable part of the reality is the structure of it which is expressed by the mathematical equations of our best scientific theories. On the other hand, according to entity realism, the only assured knowledge obtained from scientific theories is the existence of theoretical entities posited by these theories. I argue that a combination of the properly construed versions of these two positions might fulfill the afore-mentioned aim of this thesis.


A Realist interpretation of quantum mechanics
Kamözüt, Mehmet Cem; Sayan, Erdinç; Department of Philosophy (2002)
The idea of resolving a philosophical problem by reference to the authority of science is problematic. Nevertheless, such attempts spread among philosophers especially after the development of quantum theory. In this thesis I will argue that quantum mechanics cannot be used to support any forms of idealism or relativism. To this end, I introduce a realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics which is in many respects more favorable than the other alternatives suggested so far. The interpretation that I pro...
Eleştirel Gerçekçilik: Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramında Post-Pozitivizm Sonrası Aşama
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Eleştirel gerçekçilik Uluslararası İlişkiler kuramının gündemine artan bir şekilde yerleşen bir bilim felsefesidir. Uluslararası İlişkiler kuramı açısından en önemli özelliği uluslarası ilişkilerin incelenmesinde odak noktasını epistemolojiden ontolojiye kaydırmasıdır. Eleştirel gerçekçiliğin materyalist ontolojisine göre kişilerin gözlem ve duyumlarından bağımsız bir gerçek vardır. Bu, gerçeği gözlemlenebilen olgularla sınırlayan pozitivist bilim anlayışına olduğu kadar gerçeğin dilsel ya da söylemsel oldu...
Pragmatic foundations of ontic structural realism
Akcin, Haktan; Grünberg, Teo; Department of Philosophy (2010)
This thesis defends Epistemic Structural Realism (ESR) against both Ontic Structural Realism (OSR) and Traditional Scientific Realism (TSR). It is argued that TSR cannot properly explain what actually happens throughout radical theory changes in science; in the sense that a plausible version of Scientific Realism should, somehow, satisfy Scientific Anti-Realists’ concerns about the link between “truth” and “success” of our scientific theories. On the other hand, it is claimed that OSR is not a form of Scien...
Theoretical terms and the ontic structural realism
Kaya, Nevzat; Bağçe, Samet; Department of Philosophy (2009)
The main purpose of the present study is to show that scientific realism is still worth advocating despite its vulnerability in the face of anti-realist objections. For, it does not seem possible to ‘do science’ without realist commitments. The second purpose of this study is to investigate the plausibility of the novel versions of realism in the sense that whether they can satisfactorily respond to the anti-realist objections. Regarding the main purpose, I try to show that theoretical terms are neither red...
Citation Formats
H. Özer, “Scientific realism debate in the philosophy of science,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2010.