Nietzsche's criticisms of Kantian morality

Binici, Başta Başar
The purpose of this study is to explain and evaluate Nietzsche’s criticisms of Kantian morality. Kantian morality has greatly influenced western moral thought. Nietzsche’s criticisms focus on the scientific and universal character of this philosophy. This work focuses on the ideas of ‘freedom’, ‘autonomy’, ‘individual virtues’ and ‘morality as a science’. In order to understand and analyze Nietzsche’s critiques, his epistemological criticisms are also evaluated.


Epicurus and Kant: a comparison of their ethical systems
Kutan, Ali Haydar; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2010)
In this Study, the empiricist ethical system of Epicurus and idealist ethical system of Kant will be compared. Kant maintains that as Epicurus’ ethics regards morality as a means for the attainment of happiness, it is nothing but a self-love ethics. He, for this reason, calls Epicurean morality “selfishness.” According to Kant, the maxims of happiness can be known only through experience but he says, experience can never produce a law which is universal and necessary. He contends that as Epicurean ethics ha...
Systemic change and elite transition: a neoclassical realist appraisal to the political and economic transformation in Russia and China since the 1970s
Şahin, Mehme; Tayfur, Mehmet Fatih; Department of International Relations (2019)
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Hume's moral theory as expressed in his a treatise of human nature and enquiries concerning human understanding and concerning the principles of morals
Gülcan, Nur Yeliz; Ceylan, Yasin; Department of Philosophy (2007)
The aim of this study is to examine Hume’s moral theory as expressed in his two main books, Treatise and Enquiry and to show the defects of this theory. Without explaining some basic doctrines such as moral motivation, moral judgment, sympathy, passions, virtues, justice e.t.c., it is not possible to understand Hume’s moral theory. To this aim, first, Hume’s moral theory is explained in detail. Next, in order to provide a deeper understanding of the theory, its relation with his epistemology and his aesthet...
The place of human subject in Foucault's and Deleuze's philosophies
Taner, Erdem; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (2005)
The main objective of this master̕s thesis is to analyze the place assigned to human subjectivity by French philosophers Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. In order to fulfil the requirements of this objective, what is focused on is their shared critique which is exercised against the traditional conceptions of humanity and subjectivity. Through the thesis, first Foucault̕s analyses which demonstrate that universal man as a construction emerges as an effect of discursive practices and power relations, and ...
The meaning and the morality of suicide
Ünver, Gaye; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (2003)
The aim of this study is to examine the meaning and the morality of suicide through the history of philosophy. To this aim, firstly, the historical evaluation of the concept of suicide is explained in detail. The effects of sociological and the religious transformations on the meaning of suicide are analyzed. Afterwards, the moral theories about suicide are discussed. The anti-suicide arguments about suicide in the history of philosophy are classified under three parts mainly. These anti-suicide arguments ا...
Citation Formats
B. B. Binici, “Nietzsche’s criticisms of Kantian morality,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2010.