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Comparative study of commercial structural analysis programs in view of seismic assessment procedures in Turkish earthquake code 2007
Yıldırım, Suat
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In Turkey, most of the existing buildings have been designed according to Turkish Earthquake codes of 1975 and 1997. It is a well known fact that, poor material quality, poor design, poor control on site and inadequate workmanship makes existing buildings vulnerable to earthquake. In addition, change in function of buildings becomes another problem. These problems increase the importance of assessment of existing buildings. For this purpose, a new chapter has been added to the new code and assessment methods of existing buildings is regulated. 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code offered two analysis methods, linear and nonlinear analysis methods. Due to comprehensive computational, modeling and assessment challenges involved in applying the code procedures that are generally not well understood by practicing engineers, the use of commercial package computer programs is preferred. There are widely used three software’s in Turkey; Idestatik, Sta4 and Probina. These programs currently handle linear assessment method only. This study aims to compare the assessment results of the most widely used three structural analysis and design softwares in Turkey. For this purpose, four v different structures having different property and plan were employed. These buildings were selected to be representative of the mostly common building types. Each building has been modeled and identified with the same material properties, the same reinforcement details and the same geometric properties in each software. The results of the assessment are compared in order to determine the inconsistencies among the software’s and their reliability.
Subject Keywords
Earthquakes and building.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
S. Yıldırım, “Comparative study of commercial structural analysis programs in view of seismic assessment procedures in Turkish earthquake code 2007,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.