Workplace bullying: its reflection upon organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior perceptions among public sector employees

Öztürk, Deniz
The present study intends to examine the influence of workplace bullying incidents on the organizational justice perceptions of targets and by-standers with respect to organizational procedures, supervisory treatment and distribution of pay/reward schemes together with the performance of organizational citizenship behavior. For this purpose, six different public institutions in Ankara and Izmir are selected. A total of 288 white-collar public employees filled out the questionnaire where one third of the participants label themselves as being exposed to workplace bullying behavior in the last six months. As hypothesized, findings support the view that workplace bullying experience plays a significant negative role in organizational justice and citizenship behavior perceptions after controlling the significant effect of demographic variables. Besides, within this context, the ultimate effect of bullying on employees is bifurcated in terms of whether an individual has either target or bystander status.


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Citation Formats
D. Öztürk, “Workplace bullying: its reflection upon organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior perceptions among public sector employees,” M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University, 2011.