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Roles of attachment styles on personality traits, anger on relationship and life satisfaction: mediator roles of humor, intimacy, and psychological problems
Sevim, Burcu
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The aim of this study is to examine the effects of attachment, personality traits, humor (humor styles and coping humor), intimacy, psychological problems on anger, on relationship and life satisfaction of individuals who are involved in romantic relationship. Attachment and personality traits are expected to be associated with each other and humor, intimacy and psychological problems, which are also expected to influence anger experience and expression. Anger is expected to effect life and relationship satisfaction. At the first phase Sternberg’s Love Scale was translated to Turkish by using Relationship Happiness Scale. Data was gathered from 240 participants from different ages, cities, and soscio-economic status. Reliability and validity assessments were conducted for the whole scale and the subscales: intimacy, passion and commitment. At the second phase 519 subjects (married or dating) participated in the study. The participants were given Humor Styles Questionnaire, Coping Humor Questionnaire, Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Version, Sternberg Triangular Love v Scale, State-Trait Anger Scale, Basic Personality Traits Inventory, Relationship Happiness Scale, Brief Symptoms Inventory and Life Satisfaction Scale. The results indicated that the proposed model had satisfactory fit expect effect of personality on humor and effect of attachment on anger. Positive personality traits did not have an effect on adaptive humor styles used whereas negative personlity traits affected maladaptive humor styles and attachment had a direct effect on anger. The results showed the importance of intimacy and maladaptive humor styles on relationship and life satisfaction. These results, the importance and effects of humor and intimacy in romantic relationships and therapeutic applications were discussed in the frame of relevant literature.
Subject Keywords
Personality tests.
Psychology Phd thesis
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
B. Sevim, “Roles of attachment styles on personality traits, anger on relationship and life satisfaction: mediator roles of humor, intimacy, and psychological problems,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2011.