Return migration to Turkey: identity problem and changes in the concept of nation

Kayıhan, Bahar
This study examines the changing concept of nation and the identity problem for the workers that turned back to Turkey. Starting from 1960s, lots of workers migrated to European countries as a solution to the problem of unemployment in Turkey. The migrants brought their families with them and got accustomed to living abroad. However statistics prove that a group of migrants returned back to Turkey. Eventually, an identity problem emerged for the returned migrants and they experienced a confusion and ambiguity concerning their origin. Although, these migrants shared the same ethnic origin with people living in Turkey, they experienced difficulties in adapting to their national culture. Some of the migrants adapted themselves to other cultures, and their interest to their traditional cultures decreased. Consequently, the concept of nation carries a different meaning for the returned migrants. This thesis will examine, why and how the returned migrants became the other in their own countries.


Brain drain from Turkey: the case of professionals abroad
Guengoer, Nil Demet; Tansel, Aysıt (2008-01-01)
Purpose - The paper aims to present research findings on the return intentions of Turkish professionals residing abroad, where the targeted group comprises individuals working at a full-time job abroad who possess at least a tertiary level degree.
Labor Market Experience in a "Pseudo-Home" Country: Turkish Immigrants in Northern Cyprus
Besim, Mustafa; Ekici, Tufan; Guven-Lisaniler, Fatma (2015-07-03)
In this study we analyze the labor market experiences of Turkish immigrants in Northern Cyprus. Northern Cyprus presents a unique example for Turkish migrants, as many traditional obstacles (language barrier, cultural and ethnic differences and non-transferability of human capital) for immigrant laborers are not applicable since Turkish immigrants have ethnic and cultural similarities to native citizens and Turkey is considered the motherland of Northern Cyprus. Nonetheless, significant differences between ...
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The Question of integration to urban life: a case study of the immigrants from Turkey in Kiel-Germany
Özkan, Özgür Dirim; Ersoy, Melih; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2002)
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Türkiye emek piyasasında mülteciler/ göçmenler: görünmeyen emek ve görünen politika üzerine bir değerlendirme
Rittersberger, Helga İda (Hacettepe University, 2019-12-01)
Bu makalede, küresel hareketliliğin art alanındaki yapısal nedenlereodaklanan bir bakış açısından hareketle, Türkiye’de özellikle son onyıldır bulunan mültecilerin/göçmenlerin topluma nasıl dahil edildiklerisorunsalına odaklanılmaktadır. Bu konuya ilişkin tartışmanın hukuki,siyasi ve daha pek çok boyutu bulunmakla birlikte; sosyal bilimleraçısından, insani yardım tartışmalarının ötesinde göç ve emekkavramlarını birlikte düşünen ve mültecilerin/göçmenlerin emekpiyasasına entegrasyonu üzerinden toplumsal ente...
Citation Formats
B. Kayıhan, “Return migration to Turkey: identity problem and changes in the concept of nation,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.