Türkiye emek piyasasında mülteciler/ göçmenler: görünmeyen emek ve görünen politika üzerine bir değerlendirme

Bu makalede, küresel hareketliliğin art alanındaki yapısal nedenlereodaklanan bir bakış açısından hareketle, Türkiye’de özellikle son onyıldır bulunan mültecilerin/göçmenlerin topluma nasıl dahil edildiklerisorunsalına odaklanılmaktadır. Bu konuya ilişkin tartışmanın hukuki,siyasi ve daha pek çok boyutu bulunmakla birlikte; sosyal bilimleraçısından, insani yardım tartışmalarının ötesinde göç ve emekkavramlarını birlikte düşünen ve mültecilerin/göçmenlerin emekpiyasasına entegrasyonu üzerinden toplumsal entegrasyona odaklananbir değerlendirme bu makalenin temel çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır.Bu çalışma kapsamında mültecilerin/göçmenlerin Türkiye’deki formelve enformel emek piyasalarına entegrasyonunun incelenmesi amacıylaOcak 2010-Mart 2018 dönemi arasında, BirGün, Hürriyet ve Yeni Şafakolmak üzere üç basılı gazete içerisinden çeşitli anahtar sözcüklerlebelirlenen haberlere ilişkin bir “nitel medya analizi” gerçekleştirilmiştir.Bu bağlamda; emek piyasası ve mültecilik/göçmenlik ilişkisinin hangikonular çerçevesinde ele alındığı, emek piyasası, geçicilik ve haklarkonusunda bir değerlendirmede bulunup bulunulmadığı, mültecilerin/göçmenlerin formel ve enformel sektördeki durumları ve yaptıkları*
The Turkish Journal of Population Studies


Problems and Status of Sociology in Turkey
Hançer, Zuhal Yonca; Hançer, Zuhal Yonca; Department of Sociology (2004)
The main question of this study is the insufficient developed character of sociology in Turkey. In this study it is assumed that there are few factors that lead to this situation. Official ideology and its effects on sociology and university, the problems arisen from the discipline itself, the developing character of Turkey, and the conflict among sociologist academicians can be accepted as the factors that affect the sociology in Turkey. Related to this problem, in this study the opinions of academics soci...
Return migration to Turkey: identity problem and changes in the concept of nation
Kayıhan, Bahar; Yalvaç, Faruk; Department of International Relations (2011)
This study examines the changing concept of nation and the identity problem for the workers that turned back to Turkey. Starting from 1960s, lots of workers migrated to European countries as a solution to the problem of unemployment in Turkey. The migrants brought their families with them and got accustomed to living abroad. However statistics prove that a group of migrants returned back to Turkey. Eventually, an identity problem emerged for the returned migrants and they experienced a confusion and ambigui...
Mobilizing the Kurds in Turkey : Newroz as a myth
Aydın, Delal; Yeğen, Mesut; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2005)
This thesis analyses the role of Newroz in the process of mobilization of the Kurds with the claim of separate identity in Turkey. It is claimed that Newroz is utilized as an ideological tool in order to construct/create Kurdish cultural or national unity. This function of Newroz is examined through two theoretical perspectives which are related to each other. On the one hand, Newroz is taken as a myth which has been used in the construction of Kurdish national identity. On the other hand, Newroz is conside...
The role of secularization within the Turkish nation-state building process
Sarı, Özgür; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2004)
The objective of this study is to analyze the role of secularization within the Turkish nation-state building process between the late 19th and the early 20th century; hereby an emphasis will also be on the relations between the state and religion. This study will consider the Religious Affairs Directory as the key institutional actor in this process. This institutional reflection of secularization will be studied as an interesting case of state controlled social change on and over religion in society. The ...
Cyprus policy of Turkey in the 2000s: has the "National Cause" become an "Impediment to Progress"?
Yaka, Özge; Kaya, Ahmet Raşit; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2006)
This study claims that there has been realized an obvious transformation in the way in which the Cyprus question is perceived and handled in Turkey, both in official state policy and popular opinion, during 2000s. It is aimed in this study to depict this transformation with its different dimensions and analyze this transformation with a historical perspective in terms of the actors and dynamics involved. The social and political dynamics which brought about such a transformation are investigated and the pos...
Citation Formats
H. İ. Rittersberger, “Türkiye emek piyasasında mülteciler/ göçmenler: görünmeyen emek ve görünen politika üzerine bir değerlendirme,” The Turkish Journal of Population Studies, pp. 26–51, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/nufusbilim/issue/52256/683687.