Competencies of instructional technologists graduated from computer education andinstructional technology department as required byinformation technology firms

Durmaz, Tuba
The purpose of the study was to investigate the current status and competencies of CEIT graduates working in IT firms from the employers’ point of view. In addition, the cases were evaluated to see whether the graduates have gained competency in their undergraduate education or while working for the firms. In the end the main goal was to identify how well CEIT departments are preparing students for professional practice. The participants of this study were thirteen employers of CEIT graduates working in IT firms in a technopolis. A mixed methods research approach including both quantitative and qualitative research methods was employed as the primary method in order to reach the purpose of this study. Within the scope of this mixed method study, firstly, the quantitative technique was employed in which the data were gathered through a questionnaire to examine the competencies of CEIT graduates. Then, the qualitative part of the study was employed through a follow-up semi-structured interview to confirm and complement the quantitative findings. According to the results of this study, CEIT graduates are average competent at pedagogical, technical and communcation issues. They are more competent within communication and teamwork, and least competent within technical issues according to the employers.


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Citation Formats
T. Durmaz, “Competencies of instructional technologists graduated from computer education andinstructional technology department as required byinformation technology firms,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2012.