Development of a geographical information system database for the management of Dalyan/Köyceğiz specially protected area

Gencel, Çiğdem


Development of a geotechnical and geophysical database for seismic zonation of the Ankara Basin, Turkey
Koçkar, Mustafa K.; Akgün, Haluk (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008-07-01)
Engineering geological and geotechnical site characteristics were assessed and seismic hazard studies performed for the Upper Pliocene to Pleistocene fluvial and Quaternary alluvial and terrace deposits for a site west of Ankara, Turkey. Sediment conditions were determined and a soil profile was characterized by surface geophysical methods. These studies were integrated with existing in-situ characterization studies to create a seismic and geotechnical database for the site. A seismic zonation map of the si...
Development of a climate risk assessment method for the provinces of Turkiye
Bütün Bayındır, Gülsün Duygu; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Department of City and Regional Planning (2022-8-25)
Climate change is disproportionately threatening vulnerable systems and amplifying existing risks. Considering the increasing impacts of climate change, assessing climate-related risks and identifying respective critical vulnerabilities have gained vital importance in addressing climate change. This thesis aims at examining the climate risk and vulnerability levels of provinces by conducting a climate risk and vulnerability assessment at the national scale provincial level to respond to the immediate climat...
Development of a knowledge-based risk mapping tool for International Construction Projects
Yıldız, Açelya Ecem; Dikmen Toker, İrem; Birgönül, Mustafa Talat; Department of Civil Engineering (2012)
Due to its high-risk nature, international construction projects are more vulnerable to adverse changes in project environment and company objectives. To achieve successful project outcomes, early provision of risks has a vital place in managing construction projects. Within the literature, several risk assessment methodologies have been offered to simulate probable consequences of risks. The majority of the proposed methodologies are limited in reflection of real project conditions as they require probabil...
Development of a coal deposit evaluation system
Erarslan, Kaan; Çelebi, Neş'e; Department of Mining Engineering (1991)
Development of pollutant transport model and treatment strategies for Konya (closed) basin
Şahin, Deniz; Soyupak, Selçuk; Department of Environmental Engineering (1990)
Citation Formats
Ç. Gencel, “Development of a geographical information system database for the management of Dalyan/Köyceğiz specially protected area,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.