Fast feature extraction from 3D point cloud

Tarçın, Serkan
To teleoperate an unmanned vehicle a rich set of information should be gathered from surroundings.These systems use sensors which sends high amounts of data and processing the data in CPUs can be time consuming. Similarly, the algorithms that use the data may work slow because of the amount of the data. The solution is, preprocessing the data taken from the sensors on the vehicle and transmitting only the necessary parts or the results of the preprocessing. In this thesis a 180 degree laser scanner at the front end of an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) tilted up and down on a horizontal axis and point clouds constructed from the surroundings. Instead of transmitting this data directly to the path planning or obstacle avoidance algorithms, a preprocessing stage has been run. In this preprocess rst, the points belonging to the ground plane have been detected and a simpli ed version of ground has been constructed then the obstacles have been detected. At last, a simpli ed ground plane as ground and simple primitive geometric shapes as obstacles have been sent to the path planning algorithms instead of sending the whole point cloud.


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Citation Formats
S. Tarçın, “Fast feature extraction from 3D point cloud,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.