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Effect of structuring cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on students' understanding of the concepts of mixtures and their motivation
Belge Can, Hatice
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of structuring cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on grade nine students’ understanding the concepts of mixtures and their motivation, compared to traditional instruction. Mixtures Concept Test (MCT), self-efficacy for learning and performance, task value, control of learning beliefs, and test anxiety sub-scales of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), and mastery approach goals, mastery avoidance goals, performance approach goals, and performance avoidance goals dimensions of Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ) were assigned to the sampled students before treatments are commenced as pretests and after treatments are completed as posttests. There were statistically significant mean differences among the groups exposed to variations of cooperative learning based on conceptual change and traditional instruction with respect to students’ understanding the concepts of mixtures and their motivation. Results drawn upon interviews verified results of percentages of students’ correct responses on the post-MCT that students in the structured cooperative learning group had fewer alternative conceptions about the concepts of mixtures as compared to students in the unstructured cooperative learning group and control group. Specifically, results of the present study revealed that students exposed to Cooperative Learning based on Conceptual Change (CLCC) had better understanding and lower alternative conceptions about the concepts of mixtures, perceived contents related to chemistry more valuable, felt greater control over their own learning, and adopted mastery approach goals more than students instructed by Cooperative Learning based on Conceptual Change without Well-Structuring the Basics of Cooperative Learning (CLCC(-)) and Traditional Instruction (TI).
Subject Keywords
Group work in education.
Learning, Psychology of.
Education, Secondary.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
H. Belge Can, “Effect of structuring cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on students’ understanding of the concepts of mixtures and their motivation,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2013.