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Effectiveness of context based approach through 5E learning cycle model on students' understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts and their motivation to learn chemistry
Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan
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The aim of study was to investigate the effect of context-based approach (CBA) through 5E learning cycle (LC) model over traditional instruction on students’ understanding, achievement, and chemical literacy on chemical reactions and energy concepts. The effect of instruction on students’ motivation to learn chemistry and the factors of motivation questionnaire were also explored. Additionally, the effect of gender difference was investigated. Six eleventh grade classes with 187 students taught by three teachers from two public Anatolian high schools of Ankara in 2011-2012 fall semester were enrolled in this study. Each teacher had experimental and control group. These classes were assigned randomly as experimental and control groups. The experimental groups were treated with CBA through 5E LC model, control groups were treated with traditional instruction. Chemical reactions and energy concept test and chemistry motivation questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-tests to groups. Achievement test and open-ended chemical literacy items on chemical reactions and energy were administered as post-tests to all groups. Science process skill test was administered to all groups at the beginning of the instruction. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used for the analysis of data. The results revealed that CBA through 5E LC model was superior to traditional instruction on students’ understanding, achievement, and chemical literacy in the chemical reactions and energy unit. Although, students’ overall motivation scores did not changed across the groups, experimental groups intrinsic motivation and relevance of learning chemistry to personal goals was superior than control groups. No gender difference was found.
Subject Keywords
Learning, Psychology of.
Learning strategies.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
C. Çiğdemoğlu, “Effectiveness of context based approach through 5E learning cycle model on students’ understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts and their motivation to learn chemistry,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2012.