Renewable energy in regional planning and development : an evaluation of development agencies in Turkey

Ersanlı, Devrim
This thesis studies the renewable energy concept in regional planning. A comprehensive study is made about the renewable energy in Turkey, in a regional planning aspect. A profound analysis about the renewable energy related activities of the regional development agencies is made. The examples of successful regional and national planning policies in the world, for the increase in renewable energy utilization and sustainable energy generation are studied. The Turkish legal legislation about the renewable energy is discussed. Development agencies established in Turkey are studied in detail, including the legal framework, macro, and micro planning relations. The renewable energy related decisions in NUTS2 level regional plans, and renewable energy related activities of the development agencies are evaluated. The study concludes with a general evaluation of more effective renewable energy policy recommendations for Turkey.


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Integrated approaches across energy, water and environment systems can accelerate the process of mitigating climate change through urgent action. New scientific advances that extend multiple opportunities in this direction have emanated from the 2nd Latin American, 1st Asia Pacific, 4th South East European and 15th Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems as represented in this editorial. The review of recent scientific advances connects the 27 research articles in thi...
Citation Formats
D. Ersanlı, “Renewable energy in regional planning and development : an evaluation of development agencies in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.