Heidegger on the claim of the phenomenon: logos and being

Namlı Türkmen, Gülşah
In this thesis, our aim is to bring into view Heidegger’s thinking in a comprehensive sense with regard to its fundamental premise. As we shall see, the latter lies in what phenomenological breakthrough brought forward in terms of an idea of showing in its manner of giving itself. This problematic has its own genesis as itself in the sense that what is to be thought comes to revealing as the way of thinking which is not based on metaphysical stances, but finds itself on the way to itself. Although for Heidegger, metaphysical thought consists in an essential forgetting, metaphysics is not set aside; but rather, his thinking provides us with an originary direction in the sense that metaphysics is appropriated. This becomes obvious when we see that our thinking appeals again to the basic issues such as ‘truth’, ‘to be self or human’ or ‘to be a being’, not as subject matters of this or that system of thinking, but in such a way that the matter itself keeps itself in thinking as its claiming. This amounts to saying that what is at stake is a kind of nearness or intimacy with the distance proper to it in such a way that it gives time and being. As we follow Heidegger in his path of thinking, we shall see that this is not a product of any human capacity; instead it is the language in its speaking essentially where human being dwells.


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Baç, Mutlu Murat (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2004-05-01)
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Şentuna, Barış; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (2004)
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Citation Formats
G. Namlı Türkmen, “Heidegger on the claim of the phenomenon: logos and being,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2013.