Anti-terror legislations after 9/11: a comparative look at western and turkish debates

Akkaya, Ahmet
This thesis problematizes the main assumptions of civil liberties literature on the debates of anti-terror legislations enacted after 9/11. The main assumption of the civil liberties literature in opposition to anti-terror regime that is based on dichotomy of security and liberties in the politics, and its claim about prioritization of the security led to authoritarianism are examined. Basing on the closer investigation of liberal thinkers in terms of conceptualization of security and historical investigation of the politics of security in liberal state, in the thesis it is argued that rather than any dichotomy, the prioritization of security for protection of market order dominates the history of liberalism, and by liberties and freedoms only the market freedoms are meant. In addition to that, it is also argued that the conceptualization of the authoritarianization by the civil liberties literature is misleading because of its limitation to 9/11 context and shadows the neo-liberal transition of the state. In this context, the debate in Turkey on the revision of the Suppression of Terrorism Law in 2006, and institutional framework of the debate that is based on claim for domination of strong state in Turkey are examined. It is argued that the main concern of civil liberties opposition in Turkish to the revision was to oppose strong position of the army in politics for promotion of democratization, which is understood as strengthening of civilian government. In the thesis it is argued that, in addition to misleading assumption of the civil liberties literature in terms of conceptualization of authoritarianization, the misleading conceptualization of democratization led to absorption of the arguments of the literature by ruling government, AKP, for support to the legislations of the bill in the way that was opposed by civil liberties literature.


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Citation Formats
A. Akkaya, “Anti-terror legislations after 9/11: a comparative look at western and turkish debates,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.