The Lacandon forest and the political: a Rancierèan account of the Zapatista movement

Örküp, Aykut
This thesis aims to show that the Zapatista movement has a political character in line with the thought of Jacques Rancière. The main themes of Rancière's understanding of politics, such as police/politics distinction, presupposition of equality and subjectivization are presented. It is argued that the Zapatista movement has created a rupture in the police order since the initial uprising of January 1, 1994 showed that there was another world which had been invisible. It is also asserted that the movement has acted out of the presupposition of equality, not only in the declarations, communiques and statements of the members of the EZLN, but also in the practices and principles followed within the Zapatista communities. Finally it is argued that the characteristics of subjectivization, which are argumentative demonstration, theatrical dramatization and impossible identification, are observed in the movement. It is thought that the examination of the Zapatista movement with reference to Rancière's understanding of the ‘political’ will be helpful to understand the Zapatista movement and the hope that it implies for the all movements around the world.


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Citation Formats
A. Örküp, “The Lacandon forest and the political: a Rancierèan account of the Zapatista movement,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.