Audio-Visual Systems Research and Production Center (GİSAM), Article

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Entity Type
Publication (5)

Has File(s)
Yes (4)
No (1)

Derman, Deniz (1)
Durmuş, Serap (1)
Enginsoy Ekinci, Sevil (1)
Hamamcıoğlu Turan, Mine (1)
Uygun Gençer, Funda (1)

Aedicular facades (1)
Architecture (1)
Family (1)
Film (1)
Historical bridges (1)

Date Issued
1996 - 1999 (1)
2010 - 2017 (4)

Item Type
Journal Article (4)
Book Review (1)

Recent Submissions

Mimarlığın Metinsel Temsilinde Retorik İnşa: Usûl-i Mi’mârî-i Osmanî
Durmuş, Serap ; Öymen Gür, Şengül (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-6-15)
Bu çalışmanın odağını oluşturan metin, 1873 yılında Osmanlı yazarları tarafından Viyana Dünya Sergisi için hazırlanan ve Osmanlı mimarisinin tarih ve kuramı üzerine yazılmış ilk eser olan “Usûl-i Mimâri-i Osmânî”dir. Metin...
The Masonry Techniques of a Historical Bridge in Hypokremnos (İçmeler)
Uygun Gençer, Funda; Hamamcıoğlu Turan, Mine (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-6-15)
This study focuses on characteristics of a historical bridge in Icmeler, Urla, Izmir. Urla, a historical settlement on the west of Izmir, has been part of a commercial network between Karaburun, Cesme and Anatolia througho...
Exhibition Review: Notes On The Lightness Of Baştarda
Enginsoy Ekinci, Sevil (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-6-15)
Setting the Stage for the Authority of the Roman Emperor: The Family Metaphor in the Aedicular Facades of Asia Minor
Üçer Karababa, İdil (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-1-31)
Family has always been an important aspect of the Italian way of life from antiquity to the present. Since the Roman Republic was an oligarchic state, the governing class had always been identified with families. The famil...
Spectatorship and the Cinema as a Signification Process, Nezih Erdoğan
Derman, Deniz (1996-06-01)
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