Development of an axisymmetric euler solver using finite volume method for internal and external flows

Kantar, Levent


Development of a two-dimensional euler solver using finite volume method for internal flows
Yardımcı (Mutaf), Özlem; Aksel, M. Haluk; Çelenligil, Cevdet; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1994)
Development of a two-dimensional euler solver using finite volume method for external flows
Sabanca, Murat; Eraslan, Ahmet; Alemdaroğlu, Nafiz; Department of Engineering Sciences (1997)
Development of a two-dimensional euler solver using finite element method for internal flows
Lüle, H. Serdar; Aksel, Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1995)
Development of a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver for laminar flows using cartesian grids
Şahin, Mehmet Serkan; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2011)
A fully automated Cartesian/Quad grid generator and laminar flow solver have been developed for external flows by using C++. After defining the input geometry by nodal points, adaptively refined Cartesian grids are generated automatically. Quadtree data structure is used in order to connect the Cartesian cells to each other. In order to simulate viscous flows, body-fitted quad cells can be generated optionally. Connectivity is provided by cut and split cells such that the intersection points of Cartesian ce...
Development of a laminar Navier-Stokes solver for incompressible flows using structured grids
Akın, Ayhan; Aksel, Mehmet Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2006)
A method to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible viscous flows is proposed. This method is SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm to iteratively solve the two-dimensional laminar steady momentum equations and based upon finite volume method on staggered grids. Numerical tests are performed on several cases of the flow in the lid-driven cavity, as well as of the flow after a backward-facing step with SIMPLE and SIMPLER (SIMPLE Revised) methods. Finally, results ...
Citation Formats
L. Kantar, “Development of an axisymmetric euler solver using finite volume method for internal and external flows,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.