Deferred shading of transparent surfaces with shadows and refraction

Aladağlı, Ali Deniz
Deferred rendering techniques became more widespread since graphic cards started becoming powerful enough to utilize such techniques effectively. While using additional lights with deferred rendering is more efficient than using them with forward rendering, deferred rendering has certain drawbacks, such as high memory usage and its inability to deal with transparency. However, transparent surfaces like glass are all around the real world and as such should be available in rendering engines that seek to simulate the real world. In this study a previously proposed method is used where a single layer of transparency is possible with deferred shading without resorting to a secondary rendering pipeline. This method is extended, as a part of the study, to incorporate refraction and shadows of transparent surfaces. The objective of these improvements is to partially overcome one of the major drawbacks of deferred rendering, that is transparency, by improving the visual fidelity of scenes containing transparency that use deferred shading while still adhering to the limitations of a real-time rendering engine. Performance analyses and comparisons are performed with other rendering pipelines where refraction and shadows of transparent surfaces are supported. The cost of simulating refraction in the fragment shader was found to be 4 extra texture instructions and 13 extra arithmetic instructions, which manifested as a 10% decrease in FPS in a test scene with 60000 polygons. The cost of transparent shadows was found to be 13% at 2 lights and 34% at 64 lights with the test rig. When more than 4 lights were used the proposed method was at least 6% faster and at most 28% faster than a forward renderer with the same effects at 8 and 32 shadow casting lights respectively.


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Citation Formats
A. D. Aladağlı, “Deferred shading of transparent surfaces with shadows and refraction,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.