Tracing the trajectories of memory: the Nike of Samothrace

Coşkun, Semiha Deniz
How is it possible to trace the accumulation and flow of memory through ancient objects? Hence, how does the transformation of memory proceed in time? This thesis aims to reconstruct the roots of memory from the ancient era to the present by following the trajectories of a “masterpiece”, the Nike of Samothrace; and intends to observe the changes in memory by the means of historiography, museums, representation techniques and narrative through the sculpture.


Memorialization as the Art of Memory: A Method to Analyse Memorials
Yılmaz, Ahenk (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2010-6-15)
Memorialization as the reification of past experiences crystallizes the bi-directional relation between memory and architecture in its pure form. Memorials, because of this long-established relation, constitute an expense area of knowledge where the theories of diverse -such as social, psychological, cognitive, urban or architectural- studies intersect. Addressing that interdisciplinary area, this study proposes a new approach derived from classical memorising technique of the art of memory (ars memoriae) t...
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Kınayoğlu, Gökhan; Mennan, Zeynep; Department of Architecture (2007)
The discovery of new geometries in the 19th century and the departure from an absolute to a relative understanding of space-time, together with the invention of higher dimensions have caused a shift towards the idealization of space. This new type of ideal space was called hyperspace. The counter-intuitive quality of hyperspace has opened up new formal possibilities and representation techniques in art and architecture. In a similar manner, with the introduction of computers, the virtual and immaterial qual...
Brain oscillatory analysis of visual working memory errors
Mapelli, Igor; Özkurt, Tolga Esat; Department of Health Informatics (2019)
Brain dynamics of memory formation were explored throughout a working memory (WM) task. Electroencephalography data were acquired from participants while presented with grayscale photos of object categories (each category defined by images sharing a common gist). Following a short delay, two probes were shown to test memory accuracy. Time-frequency representations of successful and erroneous memories were contrasted. Additionally, brain connectivity was studied via coherency and phase-amplitude coupling (PA...
Studying Mother-Child Conversations at Home in Three Cultures: Western Turkey, Eastern Turkey and the USA
Leichtman, Michelle; Şahin Acar, Başak (2018-01-01)
Research on the development of autobiographical memory has documented the important role of mother–child conversations about past events in shaping children’s memory development. To observe mother–child reminiscing in the natural environment, researchers often conduct home visits. This research methods case focuses on a study in which we visited the homes of mothers and their young children in three diverse cultural settings and recorded their conversations about shared past and anticipated future events. W...
Olay Sonrası Yanlış Bilgi Paradigması: Yaşlanma ve Stresin Etkisi
Mısırlısoy, Mine (2014-06-01)
Modern bellek çalışmaları belleğimizde temsil edilen olayların, geçmişin birebir kopyası olmayıp, yeniden yapılandırıcı süreçlere dayandığı göstermektedir. Bu kapsamda, bireylerin hangi durumlarda bellek yanılsamalarına daha yatkın, hangi durumlarda ise daha dayanıklı oldukları ilgi görmüş bir araştırma konusudur. Loftus ve arkadaşları tarafından başlatılan araştırmalarda görgü tanıklığı durumlarında yanlış bilgiyle karşılaşma olasılığına dikkat çekilmiş ve olay sonrası bilginin bellek üzerindeki etkileri i...
Citation Formats
S. D. Coşkun, “Tracing the trajectories of memory: the Nike of Samothrace,” M.A. - Master of Arts, Middle East Technical University, 2015.