Analysis of high failure rates of CRM projects in telecommunication sector and proposal for a road map elaboration

Çağlayan, Ali Yüksel
Necessity of identifying customers, creating value for them, meeting their needs as soon as possible and creating a customer centric company culture created a new concept named CRM (Customers Relationship Management). CRM is a cultural aspect which aims to create customer centric structure and culture and also more value for customers. The failure rate of CRM projects is significantly high. The failure rate is higher for Telecommunication sector because of some sectoral specifications and difficulties. At this thesis work, by the help of literature reviews and conversations with sector professionals, reasons of high failure rate of CRM projects at Telecommunication sector are stated. Also, preventive actions that can be taken to prevent these failures are stated by the help of literature reviews. To create a more useful outcome, these preventive actions are stated on a new system implementation project road map so a road map elaboration for CRM projects of Telecommunication Sector is proposed. Also, two CRM implementation projects of telecommunication sector companies are analyzed to validate the extended road map that is proposed by this thesis work. By the help of this analysis, consistency ratio between preventive actions coverage ratios and success ratio of projects are stated.


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Citation Formats
A. Y. Çağlayan, “Analysis of high failure rates of CRM projects in telecommunication sector and proposal for a road map elaboration,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.