Virtual museums: a new space for architectural documentation and display

Tekin, Damla
The practice of museology has a broad discourse based upon ideological, sociological, technological and architectural disciplines. This thesis will only cover two of these disciplines, architecture and technology, while analysing the museum environment as it is believed that museums are one of the most independent architectural spaces in both design and narration. Today, the field of virtual museums becomes very dynamic due to technological innovations and it offers different conceptual ideas for architecture and museography. Museums that are designed using virtual applications function in-between real and virtual spaces. Therefore, this study aims at focusing on virtual museums as a new space for architectural documentation and display. In this context, an unusual museum project at “METU Lodgings”, House No. 05 will be used as a tool and subject that illustrates the relation between museum architecture and contemporary technology. House No. 05 was designed as a temporary museum, however it suggests a permanency. This thesis can highlight the influence of a virtual website a museum although it no longer exists.  


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Kavas, Kemal Reha; Erzen, Jale Adile; Department of History of Architecture (2009)
This thesis formulates a conceptual framework to account for the rural architectural traditions. The proposal is presented by referring to Ürünlü, a Mediterranean highland settlement in Southwestern Turkey. The thesis' basic assumption is the environmental coherence of the traditional rural culture. Environmental aesthetics provides the conceptual basis through which architectural elements of the environmental coherence are investigated. Environmental aesthetics enhances the inclusive conceptions of "enviro...
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Conflict and mutual continuity between locality and modernism: Nordic architecture as a case study
Sancar, Erkut; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2015)
This thesis focuses on the idea that modernism and locality are not the opposed ends, in fact they are compatible and inseparable concepts which survive within each other. According to this thought both preservation of local differences and progressive development is possible. This thesis is structured in three chapters in order to express the main idea in detail. First, despite the plurality of different expressions within modernism, the oversimplification of a broad concept to a single formalist style and...
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Mollazadeh, Aslı; Balamir, Aydan; Department of Architecture (2014)
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Citation Formats
D. Tekin, “Virtual museums: a new space for architectural documentation and display,” M.Arch. - Master of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, 2017.