Micropatterning of Ferroelectric PB(Zr0.52Ti0.48)03 films using SOL-GEL processing

Gerçeker(Turhan), Nilgün


Microstructure and mechanical properties of high dose self-ion irradiated nanostructured ferritic alloys produced by various processing methods
Aydoğan Güngör, Eda; Maloy, Stuart; Shao, Lin; Gigax, Jonathan; Price, Lloyd; Chen, Di; Odette, Robert; Hoelzer, David; Lewandowski, John; Anderson, Iver (2018-07-13)
Microdroplet identification and size measurement in sprays with lasing images
Serpenguzel, A; Küçükşenel, Serkan; Chang, RK (2002-10-07)
Two-dimensional fluorescence and lasing images of a Rhodamine-6G doped water spray are observed with color photography. The lasing microdroplets are identified by their two reciprocal lasing spots. The microdroplet sizes are measured using the digitized images. The measured mean microdroplet diameter is 69.7 mum with a standard deviation of 23.1 mum. The measured microdroplet size distribution compares favorably with the normal Gaussian size distribution. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Microstructural and dielectric properties of naphthalene based polyamide/β-Ni(OH)2 nanocomposites
Sezer, Selda; Öz, Erdinc; ALTIN, SERDAR; Vural, Sema; GÜLTEK, AHMET; KÖYTEPE, SÜLEYMAN; Nilüfer Kıvılcım, F. (2018-01-01)
Background: Aromatic polyamides are important materials having outstanding thermal, electronic and mechanical properties among high performance polymers and industrial plastics. In addition, aromatic polyamides can be utilized in electronic devices with their low dielectric constant which indicates the storage capacity of these devices. Objective: Free volume is very important for dielectric materials and increase in free volume of a polymer reduces its dielectric constant. The aims of the current study are...
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Dose Self-ion Irradiated Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys
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Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of sputtered CuNb thin films
Abboud, Mohammad; Motallebzadeh, Amir; Duygulu, Özgür; Maaß, Robert; Özerinç, Sezer (2021-09-01)
We report on the mechanical properties of Cu–Nb alloys produced by combinatorial magnetron sputtering. Depending on the composition, the microstructure is either fully amorphous (~30–65 at.% Cu), a dispersion of Cu crystallites in an amorphous matrix (~70 at.%), or a dominant crystalline phase with separated nanoscale amorphous zones (~80 at.% Cu). Nanomechanical probing of the different microstructures reveals that the hardness of the fully amorphous alloy is much higher than a rule of mixture would predic...
Citation Formats
N. Gerçeker(Turhan), “Micropatterning of Ferroelectric PB(Zr0.52Ti0.48)03 films using SOL-GEL processing,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.