Rural women in Turkey (1923-): an examination of the transformation of agriculture and the environment in Turkey through gender lenses

Yüksekkaya, Özge
Although first development and later neoliberalism have been viewed as carriers of progress and prosperity, their non-economic costs, on rural women and the environment, have not received much attention. This thesis is an attempt to focus on the developments in the capitalist world economy and their effects on agriculture, peasant life and the environment in Turkey through an examination of the status of rural women by focusing on three time periods: The Early Republican era, the developmentalist period and the neoliberal stage. This thesis is not only an attempt to fill the gap in the existing literature, but it also aims to contribute to social policy making for the mentioned actors and to raise awareness on the issue.


Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Enerji Kullanımı ve Kirlilik
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Citation Formats
Ö. Yüksekkaya, “Rural women in Turkey (1923-): an examination of the transformation of agriculture and the environment in Turkey through gender lenses,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2018.